Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Fight Fair!

let's face it if you are in a love relationship there are times you are going to have disagreements and get into fights... Take these tips to heart you will be so glad you did!

Hurtful words - Do not make the excuse that I was mad so I said some things I really didn't mean. No matter how much you apologize for something you said the words will replay in the person's head over and over again. In my opinion, anger is like alcohol it just brings out how someone really feels and allows them to say the things they wouldn't normally say. If you do get mad and let these things out own up to them and if you do apologize, apologize for the way in which you said them not that you said them. Apologizing for your true feelings not only feels false but it hurts you in the end by covering up how you truly feel. 

Expecting resolution - Reality is it is unrealistic to expect a resolution to most conflicts in a love relationship. In my experience the most heated disagreements are usually over a difference of opinion and there really isn't a resolution and it just takes a-little time to cool down. In most cases the best thing to do is use a statement like this, "obviously we have a difference of opinion on this matter and although I do not agree with you I respect you as a person and therefore respect your stance on this". Take a look at how that person's opinion makes you feel inside and you might get a whole new perspective. The number one reason why people get divorced is the difference of opinion on how to money should be spent. Neither person is right or wrong they just think differently. The only resolution is to compromise and create a game plan that works for both parties. In the end if you are not willing to compromise with regards to conflict resolution your relationship is over.

Physical violence or threatening violence - Pretty short topic here! Under no circumstances is it OK to threaten your partner or threaten to hurt yourself... End of discussion

Remember no matter how mad you are at your significant other this is a person you are suppose to love and respect and if that is not the case do both yourself and your significant other a favor and end the relationship immediately. No one in this world can stir up more emotion including anger inside of you than your mate. If you feel like you are losing your cool and are going to say things you will regret take a time out and do whatever you have to get away. Anger and fear are the two biggest contributors to not fighting fair. Do not make the mistake of saying or doing things to the person you love because you cannot control your emotions that cause long term damage that cannot be repaired.

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